Dear Reader:
“All I could see was haze...then there was this enormous
That’s as good a description of a diver’s first whale
shark sighting as I’ve heard.
We were in the blue off Darwin’s Arch, the oft-photographed
geological formation at Darwin Island, among
Ecuador’s northern Galapagos’ Islands. It was the first
of three whale shark sightings...but were we seeing different
whale sharks, or the same 10-meter shark three
times? But why care? By the third day of my week-long
journey on board the Peter Hughes Sky Dancer, care was
a bygone concern. Having expended considerable time and
money for this trip, my only complaint was the endless
parade of hot snacks the captain pressed on us every time
we climbed aboard following a dive.

Panga preparing for the trip to Darwin’s Arch |
Operating either out of the Galapagos’ ports of Baltra
or Puerto Ayora, the 100 ft. Sky Dancer is big and fast
enough to make the 8-10 hour crossing to Wolf and Darwin
islands in time for at least a full day of diving at each,
a critical element in selecting a seven-day trip. Wolf and
Darwin are where
the big pelagics
congregate. And
you want a big
boat, because in
late September
this 15-hour
trip back got
rough, as several
seasick passengers
At these
rugged, uninhabited
islands, the visibility (30-60 ft., depending on
cloud cover) doesn’t compare with that of
the South Pacific. Nonetheless, by the time
I counted 52 hammerheads swimming past, I
had forgotten about gin-clear waters. While
the currents were never ripping, they were
significant enough to make diving awkward
for two relative novices aboard. Still,
no one ever got separated from the group,
since divers took care to keep their divemaster
in sight while simultaneously leaving
the wall for panga pickups. Divers themselves
were charged with monitoring their
own air supplies. There were no hard and
fast dive times, but for those who gulped
air faster than others, one divemaster would
leave the wall with them. The others could
remain behind with the second divemaster.
Generally, no one objected to leaving for
the blue –- that’s where the dolphins and
whale sharks were . . . not to mention the
pleasure of swimming into a big school of
The underwater geology is largely
rocky and volcanic, with smatterings of
coral, reminiscent of Hawaii. Typically,
we dropped to 60-70 ft., found a nice
soft rock, settled in, and watched the
show. My Kevlar gloves protected me from
the barnacles that festooned the numerous
boulders while also keeping my fingers
warm. I literally brushed wrasses and
snappers away from my mask to view the
parade, which included meandering turtles,
Spanish mackerel, schools of bonito that
looked like the chrome stripped from a ’58
Oldsmobile, giant trevally, and huge schools
of feeding fish. The rocks at my feet boasted blue nudibranchs and dozens of
speckled morays.
On one dive, 10 eagle rays hovered nearly vertically, like box kites on
strings, just off the sloping wall. On another dive, four drifted in close enough
to touch. The second dive at Wolf demanded an extended safety stop in the blue
because no one wanted to get out of the water; you see, a half dozen bottlenose
dolphins insisted on playing tag with us.
Galapagos sharks, big, husky, and handsome (no skinny whitetips these), would
swim among us, often at arm’s length, once producing a Gary Larson cartoon moment.
As our group of eight hugged boulders and watched the fish parade, about 20 big
Galapagos sharks made their way through us. While one diver pointed out a shark
cruising past his friend, another shark skimmed unseen right over his head. A
third diver was literally pirouetting to view one shark passing in front of him
and another behind. Two divers seeking a better viewing position were so entranced
they swam into each other. Think human viewing frenzy, with the sharks the ones
who were calm and relaxed, probably tut-tutting as they swam past.
The main central islands have their own charms. At North Seymour I watched
whitetips, schooling snappers, a couple of sea lions, and a weird ray not even
the divemasters could identify. At Punta Vincente Roca off Isabella Island, I saw a bait-ball of sardine-size fish, a big
school of porcupine fish, more sea lions,
and mola-molas (ocean sunfish), even four
of them in tandem. On the downside, the
water here was not the 71ºF of Darwin and
Wolf, but a chilling 61ºF. My 5mm Farmer
John (bought used for $40 at Play It Again
Sports) kept me warm in the north, but in
the south I was cold.
I’ve dived all over the world, but
mostly in warm water. On our checkout
dive with a heavier suit than I was accustomed
to, I bobbed like a cork. Adding
weight, I went down easier the second
time. Much better, except for a growing
No air. I was sucking an empty
tank. Despite my hundreds of dives, I
had forgotten the basic rule: Always check your tank before entering the water.
Embarrassed rather than concerned, I surfaced and had to be hauled back to the
Dancer by panga to get a filled tank. Yes, a member of the crew should have
checked the tank fill, but it was foremost my responsibility.
I also snorkeled. Not only did I stay warmer, but I saw a marine iguana
swimming toward me, dozens of turtles, penguins (you cannot believe how fast these
pudgy little guided missiles travel), and four young sea lions. One would hide
underwater among the rocks until I spotted it, then dash away to hide elsewhere
until found it. I finally ran out of breath and had to rejoin our panga.
The Sky Dancer has plenty of public space, including a huge upper deck with
hammocks and deck lounges, but the sun’s frequent absence left it almost deserted
–- except for pelicans who, looking like out-of-work comedians, would perch everywhere,
utterly unimpressed by the human inhabitants. A large lounge inside is
equipped with a small library and TV/DVD setup, with movies. The dining area consists
of four booths set with white linen table cloths, silverware, and glasses,
that seated all 16 divers (14 hailed from the U.S., one from Israel and one from
The breakfast buffet supplied
plenty of fruit, several fruit juices
(the pitchers need to be labeled --
guests who could rattle off the scientific
names of fish drew a complete
blank when it came to identifying the
juices), breads, bacon, and eggs to
order. When I asked for an omelet
(cheese, mushroom, and bacon, please),
it was cheerfully forthcoming. French
toast is another on-request option.
The buffet lunch consisted of salads
with pasta, tuna, etc., and several
hot dishes.
At dinner, the waiter took orders
for soup, followed by your choice
from two main courses with side dishes
and salad. And, of course, complimentary
wine. Vegan requests
were accommodated. Desserts were less inspired, but I’m getting picky. The bar provided
complimentary beer, liquor, and soft drinks.
Containers of chips and hard candies were set out in
the lounge.
Eight cabins offer about the same space, but the
four upper deck cabins have large beds and windows.
The four lowers feature twin bunks and portholes.
Upper cabins are quieter, as the forward below-deck
cabins can take a pounding. Drawer space is adequate,
the small closet for hanging clothes less so.
A/C is individually controlled per cabin. In private
bathrooms, standard sized showers delivered plenty of
hot water. There are also two hot water showers on
the dive deck, great after cold dives, and yes, the
famous Hughes’ bathrobes.
The dive deck is large enough to allow you to
gear up without pinballing off your neighbors. The
same tank and space remain yours for the trip.
Beneath the steel seat is a plastic crate for small
gear. There’s a big camera table with open storage
(for Pelican cases, etc.). Fins are brought to
each of the two pangas (rigid inflatables) after the
fully-geared divers have boarded. Before boarding a
panga, your well-filled –- usually -- 3000 psi aluminum
tank is checked by crew members to make sure the
air is on. In high seas, boarding can be tricky. But
the crew helped, and no one suffered a fall. Getting
into the panga after a dive was tough for some divers.
There are no ladders. After passing up your
weight belt and tank rig, you kick hard, pull on the
side ropes, and flop forward. It’s unglamorous to
be hauled in like a gaffed fish and nearly everyone
needed a hand now and then.
The key to comfortable diving with pangas isn’t
their length. It’s width. The Dancer pangas are big
enough to dump eight divers in the water with simultaneous
backward rolls, though you may catch a fin in
the face until everyone spreads out. And safety is
paramount. No panga returns to the Dancer until all
divers are up. Divers are issued yellow, waterproof emergency broadcast units.
Smaller than a home telephone handset, these slip into pockets or are clipped to
your BC. In an emergency, you snap the unit on and flip up the antenna. The
signal can be tracked from the Dancer, and even by satellite. Use them only in
true emergencies (e.g., you’re headed for Mexico) lest the Ecuadorian Coast Guard
picks up the signal and comes hunting for you.
The eight-man Ecuadorian crew is confident they run the best dive boat in the
Galapagos, and their pride shows. You can tell a well-run operation if crew members
work outside their specialty. When the cook helps remove dive gear after a
dive, and the captain serves the snacks, you know they’re pulling together. The
captain, incidentally, was always available to show the bridge and entertain
requests for possible changes to the itinerary. Our divers once voted to sacrifice
a visit to a central island dive site and a land excursion in favor of more
dives at Wolf and Darwin.
For the big stuff, high season is September-October. In low season, the air
is clearer and toasty, the visibility better, the water warmer. You’ll still see a lot, just not as much. Either time, where else are you going to dive with banner
butterfly fish and penguins on the same trip? Not to mention the big guys.
Diver’s Compass: Up to four dives/day (occasional night dives,
but nothing special), some land excursions. Air to Galapagos
was $524 RT from Quito...some 7mm and other suits available for
rental, but reserve in advance; a 5/3 mm hooded vest is wise...
Nitrox $150/week, $200/10 days. Nitrox certification available
on board...There is a hyperbaric chamber in Puerto Ayora...Late
September air mostly in mid-70s to mid-60s, cooler at night...Most
flights to Ecuador are on American via Miami. I prefer Continental
from Houston...If you want to see Ecuador, go through Quito, not
Guyaquil...Quito’s Hotel Mercure has terrific refurbished rooms with king beds,
in-room safe, minibar, direct-dial, 70 channels of TV, friendly English-speaking
staff, great snack bar outside on street...I negotiated directly with hotel (www. and saved some bucks...Pace yourself; Quito’s altitude is 9400 ft...
Visit the Museo del Oro to see the astonishing pre-Columbian gold artifacts and
humankind’s first-worked platinum jewelry. Shop in the compact artisans’ market
for small paintings of Ecuadorian fauna done on bird feathers, Indian basketry,
famous woven rugs from Otavalo, Panama hats (they’re actually made in
Ecuador)...It’s a two-hour drive south to Cotopaxi. At 19,400 feet, it is the
world’s highest active volcano. Ex-Ecuadorian judo champion and driver Jose Luis
(, cell 009-7-100679) speaks excellent English and has a nice car.
For $10/hour he took me there and anywhere else I wanted...Official currency is
the U.S. dollar, so no money changing...electricity is same 110v, two-prong plug
as in U.S.(also on Dancer)... To see the real rainforest, consider the almost-luxurious,
year-old Napo Wildlife Lodge in Yasuni N.P (
A trio of Andean Indians played traditional instruments, with recorded accompaniment,
on the Puerto Ayora waterfront. In a moment of déjá vu, was this the same
trio I had seen playing the same music, with the same instruments and the same
recorded accompaniment, in Phoenix, Los Angeles, Rome, London? Is it a franchised