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In our November issue, we reported that a preponderance
of Undercurrent members who responded to
our email question about whether they dive alone said
indeed they do. In this piece, we will discuss more about
solo diving, but first, we report about those who don't.
Some Say "Do Not Dive Alone"
Some divers recognize they are not self-sufficient.
Stuart Burns (Eastleigh, UK) readily admits, "I am a
summer vacation diver, and while I am careful to refresh
my skills before a dive holiday, I am not current and sufficiently
skilled to handle all the potential problems that
could arise. I relax and enjoy my diving more if I am in
a small group."
For some divers, there is safety in numbers, especially
when current is a factor. "As long as I knew that getting
back to the boat was not an issue, that I could surface
whenever and wherever I wanted and easily swim back
to the boat, then I preferred to dive alone," says Jeff
Devine (Frankford, DE). But today, he says, "On drift
dives, where the vessel picks you up when and where
you surface, I prefer to stay in a large group to enhance
my odds of being spotted upon surfacing. In other cases,
such as Key Largo wrecks, the risk of being swept off by
a powerful current into nowhere is a distinct possibility,
especially if one lacks the aptitude for reading the currents
"Divers who aren't sufficiently trained should
not independently decide to dive alone."
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