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Lend A Hand on Your Next Dive Vacation: Part I

save the reefs, maybe save on taxes

from the April, 2023 issue of Undercurrent   Subscribe Now

As a diver, you're undoubtedly concerned about marine conservation, having seen first-hand the damage to the oceans and reefs. If you're like most Undercurrent members, you're making plans now for your next dive trip abroad. Several years ago, the scientific community realized they needed "citizen scientists," committed folks who could make significant contributions to their research. Last year, volunteers contributed 57,223 hours to national marine sanctuaries alone and endless hours elsewhere.

When you volunteer for marine conservation, you can immerse yourself in a project for a week or more or find one where only a portion of your vacation is required. Volunteering won't be free because not only will you pay to get there, you'll most likely pay for housing and food, maybe even diving. The upside is that many groups offering programs are 501 (c)(3) organizations (that means they are registered nonprofits with the IRS). As a volunteer, you may deduct most, if not all, of your direct expenses from both federal and state income taxes. But the real upside is that you'll be doing the oceans a favor. Here are some activities to consider.

Land-based Activities

Many dive operators partner with local conservation organizations to assist in their projects. Others have projects of their own, especially restoring reefs or eradicating lionfish.

Reef Check has been a leader in establishing scientific methods for recreational divers, and their practices are now used worldwide. They are currently attacking the demise of kelp forests on the Pacific Coast. Jackie Selbitschka is the Washington State regional manager and told us, "I help train and organize dive teams for our Kelp Forest Monitoring Program, which operates from Washington down to Baja. We also have opportunities in our Tropical program for coral monitoring in 93 countries/territories. The kelp forest program has upcoming training dates posted for our five regions in Washington, Oregon, and California. Anyone interested in participating in our 2023 survey season running from May to October would need to complete one of our training courses."

Reef Renewal Foundation International works in Australia, Bonaire, the Cayman Islands, Curaçao, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, and the U.S. Each country has its own organization and works with local dive centers. Undercurrent correspondent Mark Magers (Los Angeles) took a "Reef Restoration" class (via PADI) in 2019 on Bonaire. "We were there four months. After completing the class, we made several dives to clean algae from the coral propagation trees through Reef Renewal at Buddy Dive, which provided free tanks. We also planted staghorn coral onto bamboo frames, and it seems to be working."

Thomas Wells (Crested Butte, CO) says Buddy Dive has, for several years, run a coral restoration and lionfish eradication program. Contact Augusto Montbrun to get involved. Another Undercurrent member, Samantha Tse, from Tucson, is a volunteer.

Ocean Defenders Alliance. Their all-volunteer boat and dive crews remove abandoned fishing nets, traps, lines, plastic, and other man-made debris threatening ocean wildlife and habitats. Subscriber Geoff Walsh told us, "they have a strong volunteer program in California and several Hawaiian islands."

The University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences has half-day expeditions to experience coral restoration work.

Undercurrent member Jaan Leemet (Aventura, FL) says, "It's a nice experience. A sponsor often pays for the air fill and sometimes even the boat. We've paid our way for the dive occasionally; it's a nice way to meet good people, do some good, and learn, too (typically, a marine biologist or senior team member from the university joins the outings)."

The Coral Restoration Foundation in the Florida Keys is looking for volunteers who can give them two months, first for serious training, then to join the workboats at the coral nurseries.

In Florida, the Force Blue Team "unites the community of Special Operations veterans with the world of marine science and conservation . . . to restore lives and restore the planet." Patti Gross, the diving safety officer, says, "please sign up online," and adds "We train."

Terra Sub Aqua is a commercial business with an underwater coral and live rock farm off the coast near Key Largo, and they welcome volunteers. Tim Birthisel told us, "I welcome volunteer divers on the Terra Sub Aqua project, a unique effort to improve reef habitat in the Keys. that supplements charity - and tax-supported efforts."

The Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) CCMI is both a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization and a U.K. Registered charity with a field station on Little Cayman Island. While currently not operating because of COVID restrictions, their researchers have conducted citizen scientist projects with volunteers.

Liveaboard Volunteer Projects

Many liveaboards host a few researchers on certain sailings, and guests are invited to assist.

Mike Ball Dive Expeditions has supported James Cook University's research projects for many years, including nautilus research conducted at Osprey Reef in the Coral Sea. They are involved with the university's Minke Whale Project and have several sailings to "swim with the minkes." Divers are invited to join in the research with the scientists on board.

All Star Liveaboards has reef restoration sailings on the Cat Ppalu in the Bahamas and shark research in the Red Sea aboard All-Star Red Sea. The liveaboard Aqua Cat undertakes Bahama reef restoration efforts, which guests are invited to join.

The Aggressor Fleet offers a few special sailings each year that support volunteers. While not always listed on their website, they offer programs from the Sea of Change Foundation and Project Seahorse. Many crew members gather data for these organizations' projects while leading dives.

Rocio del Mar and the Quino el Guardian offer volunteer-supported conservation trips in the Sea of Cortez and Mexico's Pacific coast. Get more information from Mexico Liveaboards.

Cuba's Avalon Fleet (seven liveaboards, one of which has a permanent mooring) has a unique program for U.S. citizens who face travel restrictions visiting Cuba. By conducting marine research, which falls under the humanitarian and environmental projects deemed by the State Department as permission to travel to Cuba, divers are given a certificate of participation recognized by both the U.S. and Cuban governments, allowing them to visit Cuba legally. The fleet partners with All Star Liveaboards and Aggressor Adventures. Truth is, this is more of a way to get into Cuba than engage in serious research.

- Charles Davis and Ben Davison

Next Issue: Several nonprofit organizations with diverse programs, and some agencies to help you find other volunteer diving efforts.

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